eDIP240: when using touch panel letters \"R\", \"L\" and \"C\" are not displayed

eDIP240: when using touch panel letters "R", "L" and "C" are not displayed

I have problem with your intelligent LCD EA eDIP240-7. When I try to write virtual keyboard I don’t get printed several letters: "R" – "L" – "C". That happens in simulator and also in real embedded application always when I try to write This three big letters. With other letters all looks OK.

For example (key R):

# AT X,Y, X dX, Y dY "R" 0,"R"

The letters R, L and C stand for right, left and center align. 1st. letter of text is always the alignment and when not mentioned then it will be centered.

So please use CR and CL an CC like

# AT X,Y,X dX,Y dY R 0,CR

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