How I am able to display a picture

I'm using an EA eDIP320J-8LWTP. Now I like to implement a bitmap for a start-up screen into the display. I did install the EA KIT Editor and USB driver.

The EA KIT-Editor (ELECRONIC ASSEMBLY LCD Tools) is the right tool for that. When the USB driver is installed correct, please connect the display to the USB.

Open the EA KIT-Editor and the file

As a first step save it as e.g. "show_picture.kmc"

This is the code for the Power-On-Marco:

Picture 10 <..\..\..\bitmaps\monochrome\ea2.bmp> ; double click to open

Marko: MnPowerOn

;---- Place ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY Logo ----
#TC 0    ; Cursor invisible
#UI 101,20,10   ; place Picture no. 10
#GD 30,75,290,75  ; draw a Line