Horizontal / diagonal lines on the display

Horizontal / diagonal lines on the display

I just purchased and received two EA DOGM128W-6 displays from Mouser along with two white backlights. Upon opening the package, I can see two Horizontal lines on the front of the displays.  Is this normal or are the displays damaged?  Will these lines go away once powered up?

Not to be confused with the two diagonal lines and circle ROHS sticker on the back of the display.

The black/gray lines do mention that there are some protection foils, they have to be removed before assembling.

There is a protection foil
- on the front side of the display
- on the rear side of the display
- on the fron side of the backlight.

Please remove before mounting and soldering. The RoHS sticker will come off automatically when you pull off the rear side protection foil.

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